Cavisson Services

This module lists down all the cavisson processes such as: CMON, TOMCAT, NDC, Postgres etc. with their status(enabled/disabled), pid, ppid, user, running since, elapsed time, threads, children, vss (KB), rss (KB), CPU%, open files, cmd as shown in Figure 64. For each of these processes, the user can perform actions like: Stop/Start, Restart, View Logs, View Logs by Directory, and Configuration. (Where applicable). 

Figure 64: Cavisson Services

Following are the details of the fields available:

Appliance Service: From the drop down select the command to be executed.

  • Process: The thread in execution.
  • Status: Used to show the current status of a thread.
  • PID: The ID of the process.
  • PPID: The PID of the parent process.
  • User: This specifies by which user it is logged in.
  • Running Since: Defines the time duration since when a process is running.
  • Elapsed Time: The time between the start and end of a process.
  • Threads: A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program.
  • Children: The number of child process.
  • VSS(KB): Virtual Memory in KB (Including children processes).
  • RSS(kb): Resident Memory in KB (Including children processes).
  • CPU%: It shows the amount of CPU utilized by a process.
  • Open Files: It shows the total number of files that are open.
  • CMD: It is the Command Name.
  • Action: In action, user have to select any one of the following:
  1. Click this icon to start the service.
  2. Click this icon to view logs by directory.
  3. Click this icon to view logs.
  4. Click this icon to restart the service.
  5. Click this icon to delete the service.
  • Last refresh time: Shows when the last time the changes were made.

All Processes

This will list down all the processes running on the host with their status(enabled/disabled), pid, ppid, user, running since, elapsed time, threads, children, vss (KB), rss (KB), CPU%, open files, cmd. Users can perform actions like: Stop/Start, Restart, View Logs, View Logs by Directory, and Configuration. (Where applicable).

Figure 65: All Processes

You have the following fields in All :

  • Process: Process is the thread in execution.
  • State: Used to show the current status of a thread whether it is running or stopped.
  • PID: PID is the ID number of the process.
  • PPID: The PID of the parent process.
  • User: Specifies by which user it is logged in.
  • Running Since: The time duration since when a process is running.
  • Elapsed Time: The time between the start and end of a process.
  • Threads: A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program.
  • VSS(KB): Virtual Memory in KB.
  • RSS(kb): Resident Memory in KB.
  • CPU%: The amount of CPU utilized by a process.
  • CMD: The Command Name.


In this window, a user can view the process logs by clicking on the View Logs by File  button.




Figure 66: Logs